Tuesday, November 4, 2008


That's right, by virtue of hard work and helpful friends, victory is ours! Technically, it's mine since I was the official entrant and Tel didn't actually do the work. But without him pestering me constantly to get things done and then helping me post all the reviews, there is no way I could have won. So we are the victors! To see the official blog post detailing our victory click here.

Congratulations also to the others who worked hard to claim one of the top five spots. It was a pleasure "warring" against you!

We're going with "Ril Taniel" for our name in Batson's future series. What do you think?


Oh Ya its over!!! Thanks to all ya'll who helped out. Ya'll were Grrreat.

ps. Ahhhem!! I did work! I actually was the mastermind of the whole thing.
